Thursday, July 29, 2010

Search Engine Optimization in Nutshell

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                 We all head about seo ie search engine optimization. In a nutshell SEO means improving traffic to our website from search engine via Organic Placement or Paid Placements. It can again be simplified as earlier the website appears in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs), the more visitors we get. We can build the quality traffic to the website in 2 ways ie Organic Placement and Paid Placements. The former is free and and the later is paid. Both these steps are a part of SEO technique. Organic listings are genuine and it helpful in the long run. We won’t be able to get the result in a week or so, but in the case of Paid Placements we can get out product listed in a short span of time.
We have to target all the area searches like image search, local search, video search, etc